Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Graphic Arts At DATA

      By  Courtney. C

      If you have an artistic side Ms. Cambell’s Graphic Arts class is the class for you. Ms. Cambell loves working here at D.A.T.A and even though she has only been here for three years she says “She loves the students and everyone who works here”. Ms. Cambell has won a few awards such as a PTA award and the Teacher of the Year award at Ventura High School. Despite how busy she is being awesome Ms. Cambell is always reaching out to her peers for inspiration. She is often looking online and going to workshops for good ideas. But she doesn’t always have to look far for ideas because she can ask her students. As much as her students learn from her she’s constantly learning from them as well. Ms. Cambell also runs the school newspaper. If you want to learn more about Graphic Arts class or the school newspaper visit room C2, or if you just want to say Hi to one of the best teachers here.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Check out the Mouse Squad!

Reported by Courtney C.
For those of you who like to work with computers you should join the Mouse Squad. The Mouse Squad was originally based in New York but came to D.A.T.A sometime late last year. The Mouse Squad was originally made to help cope with budget cuts, but now it is used as a fun way to help kids understand  how to fix and work with computers. Ms. Amy is the person to go to if you have trouble with a computer or if you want to sign up for Mouse Squad. To sign up for Mouse Squad you can get an application in the front office, in the D.A.T.A library, or in Ms. Amy’s office located in a little nook in room C2. So remember if you have a love and desire to learn more about computers,  Ms. Amys’ club is the one for you.

Navigator Technology Club!

Welcome to our blog, a place to find out about all the cool stuff at DATA. We meet every morning in the DATA library from 7:45-8:30. Visit this site often as we will be adding features often. DATA students are welcome to join us and we would appreciate any topic ideas. Thank you.