Friday, September 30, 2011

Before School Club... Join Us!

Before school in the DATA library from 7:45-8:30.
One of the things we do is create the school news video.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Battle of the Books (FUN)


                                                                       By Courtney C.

For all the reading machines out there come to the Library on Wednesday. Battle of the Books is where a group of people are assigned a group of books, read them and when the time comes compete with kids from different schools. When you come two times you start to get front of the lunch line pass so you can get to the meetings on time. Well I’m sure you probably want more details. But if you want it come to the Library. Or I could give just some of the information, maybe just a little. If you sign up you have to read eight books or six books if you do a book talk and pass the AR tests. But don’t worry we have time to read them, maybe even all of them. We have until February, so don’t get all nervous and panicky. Remember Wednesday, Library, Front of the Lunch Line Pass.                                                             

Monday, September 26, 2011

Dr. Roundy

Dr. Roundy Harter

By: Estelle, Cheryl, and Allison

            Dr. Roundy says, “This school has many advantages to the other middle schools. We have netbooks in 6th and 7th grade, and next year it will be everyone. We have after school programs in a small caring atmosphere.” Her experience in middle school was very different than todays. Dr. Roundy says that the technology advancement with the netbooks allow students to have creative ideas and projects. She went to Anacapa, where in those days there weren’t cell phones or computers in the classroom Could you imagine a childhood without cell phones or computers?

            Have you been asking why we have to do eight hours of community service? Dr. Roundy believes when giving back to the community you receive health and happiness. She says that it’s better to give more than the minimum benefits. She is a great principal and has astonishing experience with students.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ms. Spevak (music)


By: Allison, Estelle, and Cheryl

          Ms. Spevak teaches Drama, Band and at one point she taught Science Camp. She has been teaching here for 2 years. Her main instrument is the violin; she has been playing for 19 years and started when she was 9.  She went to CSU Northridge College and studied music. She also taught at Ventura High School. She is an amazing teacher.

          Ms.Spevak’s favorite colors are blue + red = purple. Guess what she has a puppy named Dack, he is half lab, half German shepherd. Isn’t he adorable?




Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Snoop Hounds...

Here are some students working on their blog posts in the DATA library before school.
Thanks students..

Teachers Get Computers Too

The teachers at DATA get lap tops too. Here is a new teacher at DATA, Mrs. Brandsteter, getting her computer.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Many of us don’t really know what happened 10 years ago but that is a different article. I’m here to write about the memorial services for the 2,973 men and women and maybe even children who lost their lives. The day of 9-11-2001 will forever be implanted in the minds of most of Americans.  All over the country people are showing their patriotism and support for their country and its people. The men and women who were involved, who lived are teaching others and children about how important it is to take all safety precautions necessary in the state of an emergency. All Americans will never forget the terrible attack or how it was set on the Twin Towers ( World Trade Center) or how the impact changed the world forever. At most of the ceremonies they would read the names of the victims and that only took 4 hours to read the names of the 2,973 people who were closest to the impact and farthest from the ground. We should always have support for our country…. It’s people….It’s safety…. And it’s freedom.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Girls Volleyball!

By: Noah H.
        Here’s Noah with some volleyball news. First we had an outstanding 100 girls try out for volleyball. We were only supposed to have 4 teams but several teachers volunteered to coach. We have 4 sixth grade teams, 1 seventh grade team, 1 J.V. team, and 1 varsity team.
The Results Are In
          Sadly only 72 girls could make the 7 teams.
Congratulations for all who made on the team and for those who didn’t there is always next year.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

School Picture Day!

School Picture Day by Courtney C.

If you’re curious about the school pictures that are taken here at De Anza here is some information. The company that takes our gorgeous pictures is called Lifetouch and they go from Santa Barbara as far as Westlake. They don’t just take school photos they also take Yearbook pictures, Sports pictures, Smile Stones (which are pictures of kids in there cap and gowns), and Dance pictures.  Lifetouch has been taking pictures for De Anza for a long time and each time with new faces, new stories, and new joy. So smile and say, “cheese”.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Pottermore and Reading at DATA

                                                         Pottermore   by Courtney. C

For all those D.A.T.A students who love to read here some information. There will be an exciting website that has to do with Harry Potter, it comes launches out in the month of October check out Pottermore. Pottermore is an exciting experience for Harry Potter fans of all ages. The website was open for on the seven days for those who wanted to gain early access, those seven days were called The Magic Quill challenge. What The Magic Quill challenge is (was), is that there are seven books, seven days, seven opportunities. I got in on the fifth day and the question was “what is the address of the house that Sirius Black lived in”

I said 12 Grimmauld Place and it took me to the correct website where I had to find the Magic Quill. I clicked on the video in the corner and it said to “follow the owls”, then I looked closely to the background and it had owls leading up to the advertisement for Pottermore. I clicked on it and it said to catch the Magic Quill, then it started raining feathers all over the screen and only one of them glowed so I clicked on it and I got in. What Pottermore is, is J.K Rowling interacting with her fans from all over the world in a safe website. Pottermore is a place where you can find more information about characters, and where you can purchase eBooks, as well as other Harry Potter information.  

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Fabulous Ms. K

                        By Courtney C.

                                        The Great Ms. K

    Ms. K is the 6th grade PE teacher. Did you know that Ms. K’s dogs names are Reba and McEntire and it just so happens that her favorite singer is Reba McEntire. Coincidence, I think NOT. Ms. K loves her dogs but she also loves burritos, but her absolute favorite burrito is Chili Rellano with rice and beans from Maggie’s.

She developed a love for burritos when she moved to Ventura from Bakersfield. She said that the burritos in Bakersfield were all from Taco Bell. Despite her talent of being an amazing teacher and friend she is also great at giving nicknames. So remember if she starts calling you another name don’t look confused.

This year is Ms. K’s twenty-third year here at D.A.T.A and she loves the school and the students. Even though she has never been in a burrito eating contest she would probably win by a landslide. In one word to describe the first week of school she says “AWESOMEJ”.                                 

DATA Music Program

De Anza Music Program

By: Shiara C.

Music is an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color and at D.A.T.A we have plenty of it. We play in many concerts. An example is the V.U.S.D Spring Concert 1, 2, and 3. We have Mariachi, Beginning Strings, Intermediate Strings, Beginning Band, Intermediate Band, and Wind Ensemble. Our proud music teacher Mrs. Spevak has been teaching us for two years but with three years of additional experience. So you know Mrs. Spevak loves teaching us, her way of music. She is very proud to say that were the only middle school, in Ventura, with a full Mariachi Band. She says, “It makes us special”, and it sure does so top that Balboa.